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Dan A Batsie

Dan Batsie is the Deputy Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Public Safety.  He has been a paramedic in New York, Maine and now Vermont for more than 30 years.  Over his career Dan has worked hard to elevate the profession of prehospital medicine and demonstrated a particular passion for high quality EMS education.  Dan has directed two accredited paramedic programs, authored two EMS textbooks, and lectured both nationally and internationally on current EMS topics.  In addition to his work at the state level, Dan is active in numerous national EMS projects and committees.

At the NMETC EMS Summit, Deputy Commissioner Batsie will be presenting "Won’t You Be My Neighbor: The Vital Nature of Building Community in EMS Organizations."

Did you make friends in your original EMS class? Are they still your friends today? Statistically speaking, the answer to both questions is likely “yes” and if so, you have a significant advantage over those who did not. Learning, self-image, resilience, retention and even mental wellbeing are all influenced by the ability to make and keep connections among peers and there may never be a more important time than now to improve how those connections are made. As EMS leaders, we play a hugely significant role in how our personnel interact and forge the bonds that will support them well after they leave our stations. This class will discuss the importance of building community in your organizations and describe specific, real-world practices leaders can take to maximize the influence of organizational culture.

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Advancing Excellence in Pre-Hospital Care

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